La Littérature du "Je" Dans Un Carrefour d'Expériences.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Love Sucks

My Memorable quotes for
Little Manhattan

Maybe not everything is supposed to last forever. Certain things are like... like... skywriting. Like, like, like a really beautiful thing that lasts for a couple moments and then... You know?

Suddenly, I knew what I had to do. Love isn't about ridiculous little words. Love is about grand gestures. Love is about airplanes pulling banners over stadiums, proposals on jumbo-trons, giant words in sky writing. Love is about going that extra mile even if it hurts, letting it all hang out there. Love is about finding courage inside of you that you didn't even know was there.

Love is an ugly, terrible business practiced by fools. It'll trample your heart and leave you bleeding on the floor. And what does it really get you in the end? Nothing but a few incredible memories that you can't ever shake.

En fin.. Love sucks!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Lo Peor del Amor....

Lo peor del amor cuando termina
son las habitaciones ventiladas,
el puré de reproches con sardinas,
las golondrinas muertas en la almohada.

Lo malo del después son los despojos
que embalsaman al humo de los sueños,
los teléfonos que hablan con los ojos,
el sístole sin diástole sin dueño.

Lo más ingrato es encalar la casa,
remendar las virtudes veniales,
condenar a la hoquera los archivos.

Lo peor del amor es cuando pasa,
cuando al punto final de los finales
no le quedan dos puntos suspensivos…